
Miro Developer Platform

Hackathon starter kit

If you have attended hackathons in the past, you know how much time it takes to get a project started. From that first second when you get thinking on what to build, to picking a programming language, and then deciding what framework to use—it doesn’t end there, and the list goes on! That’s why this page is here! These resources help you get started with minimal time and effort.

Happy hacking!

Table of contents

Miro Developer Platform concepts

Miro Web SDK resources

Getting started with the Miro Web SDK

Miro Web SDK tutorials

Check out our how-tos and step-by-step tutorials to walk you through typical use cases when working with the Miro Web SDK.

Miro Web SDK reference guide

Look up methods, board item properties, and copy-paste code examples from the Miro Web SDK reference guide.

Miro REST API resources

Miro REST API client

The Miro Node.js client is a JavaScript library that enables Miro REST API functionality in Miro apps based on Node.js. You can use Node.js and JavaScript to send requests to and handle responses from the Miro REST API. Here are some resources that might come handy:

Getting started with the Miro REST API

Miro REST API tutorials

Check out our how-tos and step-by-step tutorials to walk you through typical use cases when working with the Miro REST API.

Postman collection

Run in Postman

Miro App Examples

Clone our Miro App Examples repository to get inspiration, customize, and explore apps built on top of Miro’s Developer Platform 2.0.

Miro Web SDK

App Example Description
ai-image-generator Generator images using OpenAI and drag and drop those to a Miro board
breakout-rooms Leverage collaborative and real-time features, including sessions and real-time events and storage.
csv-to-mindmap Import data from CSV and create mind map on a Miro board
drag-and-drop This example shows you how to drag and drop images from your app onto the board.
asset-search This example shows you how to filter and search through assets by name and/or multiple tags.
digital-asset-manager This example shows you how to build a digital asset manager using Bynder’s API.
connect-firebase This example shows you how to connect an SDK app to a Firebase backend.
stickynotes-to-shapes This example allows you to select several stickies, click the plugin button in the bottom bar, and replace any selected stickies with shapes.
template-builder This example shows how to create and position on the board multiple widgets of different types and render create custom interfaces in the library.
calendar This example shows you how to add a calendar made with shapes and text for a given month and year.
wordle This example shows you how to create a Wordle-like game using the Miro Web SDK.
blob-maker This example shows you how to create a drag and drop blobmaker using Miro’s Web SDK.
youtube-room This example shows you how to sync a YouTube player across multiple users through Socket.IO.
custom-actions This example shows you how register custom actions in the item context menu.



App Example Description
node-oauth This Node.js sample demonstrates how to implement the Oauth 2.0 authorization code flow in Miro and make an API request to a Miro endpoint.
node-passport-oauth This Node.js sample demonstrates how to implement the Oauth 2.0 authorization code flow in Miro and make an API request to a Miro endpoint using Passport.js.
nextjs-oauth This app demonstrates how to implement the Oauth 2.0 authorization code flow from Miro into a client side application built with Next.js.
node-stickies-csv This Node.js sample app uses server side rendering (Handlebars.js) to provide a lightweight, CRUD-oriented REST example in the browser for Miro’s sticky notes and tags APIs.
It demonstrates a structured > unstructured use case via CSV import, creating Miro sticky notes with tags based on CSV data.
python-flask-starter-with-oauth This Python/Flask boilerplate will allow to start using the Miro REST API in a few minutes.
This sample implements the full Miro authorization (OAuth 2.0 with refresh token) flow.
enterprise-team-management This Node.js sample demonstrates how to manage teams and organizations within Miro using Miro’s REST API.
ℹ️ This example requires an Enterprise plan subscription and an Enterprise Team account.


Full-stack apps

App Example Description
monetization-with-stripe This full-stack example shows how use Stripe to add a paywall for certain features in your app.
html-preview Use the Miro API to generate HTML pages from Miro boards. Each frame on the board produces an HTML page.
github-appcards This full-stack example shows how to build an integration with GitHub that syncs data between GitHub issues and Miro app cards.
plant-uml This full-stack example shows how to import Plant UML diagrams into Miro as editable board items.
nextjs This full-stack example shows a Next.js application that uploads a camera image to the Miro board using Web SDK and REST API integration.
webhooks-manager This full-stack example demonstrates how to interact with the webhooks API, and how to handle the webhooks challenge.


Miro for Developers YouTube Channel

Miro for Developers features videos which can help you with building, designing, and deploying your Miro app. Check out the channel to find over 40 developer focused videos, including Question and Answer sessions with our engineers, webinars to help you build your Miro apps, and much more.

Miro CSS library

Mirotone is a CSS library that enables everyone to design and build their Miro apps. The goal of this design system is to enable makers to quickly jump into a simple, yet consistent and efficient user experience while creating their functional solutions. The framework aims to provide ready-to-use frontend components that you can incorporate into your app in Miro.


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