Retrieves all boards that match the search criteria provided in the request. If you are an Enterprise customer and a Company Admin, you can retrieve all boards, including all private boards (boards that haven't been specifically shared with you) by enabling Content Admin permissions. To enable Content Admin permissions, see Note that you only get results instantaneously when you filter by team_id
. If you use any other filter, you need to give a few seconds for the indexing of newly created boards before retrieving boards.
Returns an iterator which will automatically paginate and fetch all available boards
Get boards
query: Omit<undefined | { Retrieves information about a board.
Get specific board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves organization information.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="\">this form.
Get organization info
id of the organization
Please use the new revoke endpoint /v2/oauth/revoke
. This endpoint is considered vulnerable and deprecated due to access token passed publicly in the URL.
Get information about an access token, such as the token type, scopes, team, user, token creation date and time, and the user who created the token.
Get access token information
Creates a board with the specified name and sharing policies.
You can only create up to 3 team boards with the free plan.Required scope
boards:writeRate limiting
<a target=_blank href="/docs/miro-rest-api-introduction#rate-limiting">Level 3Summary
Create board