
  • BoardMembersPagedResponse



data?: BoardMember[]

Contains the result data.

limit?: number

Maximum number of results returned based on the limit specified in the request. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 20. The rest of the results will not be returned. To retrieve the rest of the results, you must make another request and set the appropriate value for the offset parameter. In this example, you will set the offset parameter to 20 as the offset is zero-based.

links?: PageLinks
offset?: number

Zero-based index of the first item in the collection. For example, If there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 28, the response will return 2 results.

size?: number

Number of results returned in the response. The size is the number of results returned considering the offset and the limit values sent in the request. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 20.
If there are 10 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 10.
If there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 28 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 2 as the offset is the zero-based offset of the first item in the collection.

total?: number

Total number of results available. If the value of the total parameter is higher than the value of the size parameter, this means that there are more results that you can retrieve. To retrieve more results, you can make another request and set the offset value accordingly. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size parameter will return 20 and the total parameter will return 30. This means that there are 9 more results to retrieve (as the offset is zero-based).

type?: string