
  • ConnectorsCursorPaged





cursor?: string

A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next set of results of the collection, set the cursor parameter in your next request to the value returned in this parameter.

Contains the result data.

limit?: number

Maximum number of results returned based on the limit specified in the request. For example, if there are 20 results, the request has no cursor value, and the limit is set to 20,the size of the results will be 20. The rest of the results will not be returned. To retrieve the rest of the results, you must make another request and set the appropriate value for the cursor parameter value that you obtained from the response.

links?: PageLinks
size?: number

Number of results returned in the response considering the cursor and the limit values sent in the request. For example, if there are 20 results, the request does not have a cursor value, and the limit set to 10, the size of the results will be 10.
In this example, the response will also return a cursor value that can be used to retrieve the next set of 10 remaining results in the collection.

total?: number