Class CreateBoardSubscriptionRequestInternal

Contains the board ID associated with the webhook subscription, the webhook callback URL, and the status of the webhook subscription.


  • CreateBoardSubscriptionRequest





boardId?: string

Unique identifier (ID) of the board that you want to associate with the webhook subscription.

callbackUrl?: string

Indicates the HTTPS URL to which Miro sends a webhook when an event occurs.

status?: string = CreateBoardSubscriptionRequest.StatusEnum.Enabled

Indicates whether the status of the webhook subscription.enabled: Miro sends a webhook when an event occurs in the associated board. disabled: Miro does not send a webhook even when an event occurs in the associated board. lost_access: The user with which the webhook subscription is associated has lost access to the board. The user needs to regain access to the board, and then reenable the webhook subscription by updating the webhook subscription status to enabled by using the update webhook endpoint.