Class ItemDataCreateInternal

Contains data information applicable for each item type.


  • ItemDataCreate



assigneeId?: string

Unique user identifier. In the GUI, the user ID is mapped to the name of the user who is assigned as the owner of the task or activity described in the card. The identifier is numeric, and it is automatically assigned to a user when they first sign up.

content: string

The actual text (content) that appears in the text item.

description?: string

A short text description to add context about the card.

dueDate?: Date

The date when the task or activity described in the card is due to be completed. In the GUI, users can select the due date from a calendar. Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.

fields?: CustomField[]

Array where each object represents a custom preview field. Preview fields are displayed on the bottom half of the app card in the compact view.

mode?: string

Defines how the content in the embed item is displayed on the board. inline: The embedded content is displayed directly on the board. modal: The embedded content is displayed inside a modal overlay on the board.

owned?: boolean

Defines whether the card is owned by the application making the call.

previewUrl?: string

URL of the image to be used as the preview image for the embedded item.

shape?: string = ItemDataCreate.ShapeEnum.Square

Defines the geometric shape of the sticky note and aspect ratio for its dimensions.

status?: string

Status indicating whether an app card is connected and in sync with the source. When the source for the app card is deleted, the status returns disabled.

title?: string

A short text header to identify the image.

url: string = ''

URL of the image.