createdDate and time when member was invited to the team.
createdId of the user who invited the team member.
Team member id.
modifiedDate and time when the user's membership was last updated.
modifiedId of the user who last updated the user's membership.
Role of the team member. * "member": Team member with full member permissions. * "admin": Admin of a team. Team member with permission to manage team. * "non_team": External user, non-team user. * "team_guest": Team-guest user, user with access only to a team without access to organization.
Team id
typeType of the object returned.
Updates team member role in team by id.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update team member
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The version of the OpenAPI document: v2.0
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