Class ConnectorStyleInternal

Contains information about the style of a connector, such as the color or caption font size


  • ConnectorStyle



color?: string

Hex value representing the color for the captions on the connector. Default: #1a1a1a

endStrokeCap?: string

The decoration cap of the connector end, like an arrow or circle. Default: stealth.

fontSize?: string

Defines the font size, in dp, for the captions on the connector. Default: 14

startStrokeCap?: string

The decoration cap of the connector end, like an arrow or circle. Default: none.

strokeColor?: string

Hex value of the color of the connector line. Default: #000000.

strokeStyle?: string

The stroke pattern of the connector line. Default: normal.

strokeWidth?: string

The thickness of the connector line, in dp. Default: 1.0.

textOrientation?: string

The captions orientation relatively to the connector line curvature. Default: aligned.