Class ShapeStyleForCreateInternal

Contains information about the shape style, such as the border color or opacity.
All properties in style object are supported for shape types aren't listed below.

<th align="left">Shape type <th align="left">Unsupported properties
flow_chart_or fontSize, fontFamily, color, textAlign, textAlignVertical
flow_chart_summing_junction fontSize, fontFamily, color, textAlign, textAlignVertical
flow_chart_note_curly_left fillColor, fillOpacity
flow_chart_note_curly_right fillColor, fillOpacity
flow_chart_note_square fillColor, fillOpacity


  • ShapeStyleForCreate



borderColor?: string

Defines the color of the border of the shape. Default: #1a1a1a (dark gray).

borderOpacity?: string

Defines the opacity level of the shape border. Possible values: any number between 0.0 and 1.0, where: 0.0: the background color is completely transparent or invisible 1.0: the background color is completely opaque or solid Default: 1.0 (solid color).

borderStyle?: string

Defines the style used to represent the border of the shape. Default: normal.

borderWidth?: string

Defines the thickness of the shape border, in dp. Default: 2.0.

color?: string

Hex value representing the color for the text within the shape item. Default: #1a1a1a.

fillColor?: string

Fill color for the shape. Hex values: #f5f6f8 #d5f692 #d0e17a #93d275 #67c6c0 #23bfe7 #a6ccf5 #7b92ff #fff9b1 #f5d128 #ff9d48 #f16c7f #ea94bb #ffcee0 #b384bb #000000 Default: #ffffff.

fillOpacity?: string

Opacity level of the fill color. Possible values: any number between 0 and 1, where: 0.0: the background color is completely transparent or invisible 1.0: the background color is completely opaque or solid Default: Flowchart shapes: 1.0. Basic shapes: 1.0 if fillColor provided, 0.0 if no fillColor provided.

fontFamily?: string

Defines the font type for the text in the shape item. Default: arial.

fontSize?: string

Defines the font size, in dp, for the text on the shape. Default: 14.

textAlign?: string

Defines how the shape text is horizontally aligned. Default: Flowchart shapes: center. Basic shapes: left. unknown is returned for unsupported shapes.

textAlignVertical?: string

Defines how the shape text is vertically aligned. Default: Flowchart shapes: middle. Basic shapes: top. unknown is returned for unsupported shapes.