loggerUnique identifier (ID) of the board with the item that you want to add a tag to.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item to which you want to add a tag.
Unique identifier (ID) of the tag you want to add to the item.
Creates a copy of an existing board. You can also update the name, description, sharing policy, and permissions policy for the new board in the request body.
Copy board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that you want to copy.
copyBoardChanges: CopyBoardChangesAdds an app card item to a board.
Create app card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Creates a board with the specified name and sharing policies.
Create board
boardChanges: BoardChangesCreates a webhook subscription to receive notifications when an item on a board is updated. Subscriptions are created per user, per board. You can create multiple subscriptions. We currently support all board items except tags, connectors, and comments.
Create webhook subscription
Adds a card item to a board
Create card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds a connector to a board.
Create connector
Unique identifier (ID) of the board for which you want to create the connector.
Adds a document item to a board by selecting file from device.
Create document item using file from device
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Select a file to upload. Maximum file size is 6 MB.
data: CreateDocumentItemUsingFileFromDeviceRequestDataAdds a document item to a board by specifying the URL where the document is hosted.
Create document item using URL
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds an embed item containing external content to a board.
Create embed item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds a frame to a board.
Create frame
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create a frame.
Creates a group of items on a board. The group is created with the items that are passed in the request body.
Create group
Adds an image item to a board by specifying a file from device.
Create image item using file from device
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Select a file to upload. Maximum file size is 6 MB.
data: UploadFileFromDeviceDataAdds an image item to a board by specifying an image URL.
Create image item using URL
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds different types of items to a board. You can add up to 20 items of the same or different type per create call. For example, you can create 3 shape items, 4 card items, and 5 sticky notes in one create call. The bulk create operation is transactional. If any item's create operation fails, the create operation for all the remaining items also fails, and none of the items will be created.
To try out this API in our documentation:
1. In the BODY PARAMS section, scroll down until you see ADD OBJECT (Figure 1).
<img alt=“add src="https://files.readme.io/570dac1-small-add_object.png\">
Figure 1. Add object user interface in readme
2. Click ADD OBJECT, and then select or enter the appropriate values for parameters of the item that you want to add.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each item that you want to add.
Create items in bulk
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds different types of items to a board using files from a device. You can add up to 20 items of the same or different type per create call. For example, you can create 5 document items and 5 images in one create call. The bulk create operation is transactional. If any item's create operation fails, the create operation for all the remaining items also fails, and none of the items will be created. To try out this API in our documentation: 1. In the BODY PARAMS section, select ADD FILE, and then upload a local file. Repeat for each item that you want to add. 2. Upload a JSON file that contains the bulk data for the items you want to create.
Create items in bulk using file from device
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
JSON file containing bulk data, where each object represents an item to be created. For details, see JSON file example.
Array of items to create (PDFs, images, etc.). Maximum of 20 items.
Adds a mind map node to a board. A root node is the starting point of a mind map. A node that is created under a root node is a child node. For information on mind maps, use cases, mind map structure, and more, see the <a href="https://developers.miro.com/docs/mind-maps\" target=_blank>Mind Map Overview page.
Create mind map node
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds a shape item to a board.
Create shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds a flowchart shape item to a board.
Create shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Adds a sticky note item to a board.
Create sticky note item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Creates a tag on a board.
Create tag
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the tag.
Adds a text item to a board.
Create text item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.
Deletes an app card item from a board.
Delete app card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete an item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes a board. Deleted boards go to Trash (on paid plans) and can be restored via UI within 90 days after deletion.
Delete board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that you want to delete.
Deletes a card item from the board.
Delete card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes the specified connector from the board.
Delete connector
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the connector.
Unique identifier (ID) of the connector that you want to delete.
Deletes a document item from the board.
Delete document item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes an embed item from the board.
Delete embed item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes a frame from a board.
Delete frame
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the frame.
Unique identifier (ID) of the frame that you want to delete.
Deletes a group from a board. All the items in the groups are deleted along with the group.
Deletes the group
Unique identifier (ID) of the board.
Unique identifier (ID) of the group.
Indicates whether the items should be removed. Set to `true` to delete items in the group.
Deletes an image item from the board.
Delete image item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes an item from a board.
Delete item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes an item from a board.
Delete item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes a mind map node item and its child nodes from the board.
Delete mind map node
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the mind map node.
Unique identifier (ID) of the mind map node that you want to delete.
Deletes a shape item from the board.
Delete shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes a flowchart shape item from the board.
Delete shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes a sticky note item from the board.
Delete sticky note item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Deletes the specified webhook subscription.
Delete webhook subscription
Unique identifier (ID) of the subscription that you want to delete
Deletes the specified tag from the board. The tag is also removed from all cards and sticky notes on the board.
Note: Updates to tags made via the REST API will not be reflected on the board in realtime. To see REST API updates to tags on a board, you need to refresh the board. This applies to the following endpoints: Attach tag to item, Remove tag from item, Update tag.
Delete tag
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to delete a specific tag.
Unique identifier (ID) of the tag that you want to delete.
Deletes a text item from the board
Delete text item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to delete.
Add a Miro user to a project.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Add member in a project
The ID of the organization to which the project belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project belongs.
The ID of the project to which you want to add a user.
Retrieves content changes for board items within your organization. Content changes are actions that users can perform on board items, such as updating a sticky note's text. You can retrieve results for a specific time period. You can also filter results based on the board IDs and the emails of users who created, modified, or deleted a board item. Additionally, results can be paginated for easier viewing and processing.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin.
Retrieve content change logs of board items
Unique identifier of the organization.
Filter content logs based on the date and time when the board item was last modified. This is the start date and time for the modified date duration. Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.
Filter content logs based on the date and time when the board item was last modified. This is the end date and time for the modified date duration. Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
emails?: string[]Optional
limit?: numberOptional
sorting?: "desc" | "asc"Retrieves the result of the board export job. The response provides more information about the board export job, such as the S3 link to the files created.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin and eDiscovery is enabled in the Settings. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get results for board export job
Unique identifier of the organization.
Unique identifier of the job.
Retrieves the status of the board export job.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin and eDiscovery is enabled in the Settings. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get board export job status
Unique identifier of the organization.
Unique identifier of the board export job.
Creates an export job for one or more boards.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin and eDiscovery is enabled in the Settings. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Create board export job
Unique identifier of the organization.
Unique identifier of the board export job.
Projects are essentially folders of boards with the option to manage user access for a smaller group of people within a team. Projects are here to help you organize your boards and make them easier to find and share. In other words, a project is a group of boards that you can share with your teammates all at once. For more information, see our <a href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018262033-Projects\" target=_blank>Help Center page on Projects.
This API creates a new project in an existing team of an organization.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Create project
The ID of the organization within which you you want to create a project.
The ID of the team within which you you want to create a project.
Creates a new team in an existing organization.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Create team
The id of the Organization.
Retrieves board classification for a board.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get board classification
id of the organization
id of the team
Unique identifier of the board that you want to retrieve.
Updates board classification for an existing board.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update board classification
id of the organization
id of the team
Unique identifier of the board that you want to update.
Retrieves board classification settings for an existing organization.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get organization settings
id of the organization
Updates board classification for not-classified only or all boards in an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Bulk update boards classification
id of the organization
id of the team
Retrieves board classification settings for an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get team settings
id of the organization
id of the team
Updates board classification settings for an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update team settings
id of the organization
id of the team
Deletes a project. After a project is deleted, all boards and users that belong to the project remain in the team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Delete project
The ID of the organization from which you want to delete a project.
The ID of the team from which you want to delete a project.
The ID of the project that you want to delete.
Remove a member from a project. The user remains in the team even after the member is removed from a project.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Remove project member
The ID of the organization to which the project belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project belongs.
The ID of the project from which you want to remove a member.
The ID of the member that you want to remove from a project.
Deletes an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Delete team
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
Deletes team member from team by id.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Delete team member from team
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
The id of the Team Member
Retrieves a page of audit events from the last 90 days. If you want to retrieve data that is older than 90 days, you can use the <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017571434-Audit-logs#h_01J7EY4E0F67EFTRQ7BT688HW0\">CSV export feature.
Get audit logs
Retrieve audit logs created after the date and time provided. This is the start date of the duration for which you want to retrieve audit logs. For example, if you want to retrieve audit logs between `2023-03-30T17:26:50.000Z` and `2023-04-30T17:26:50.000Z`, provide `2023-03-30T17:26:50.000Z` as the value for the `createdAfter` parameter.<br>Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, including milliseconds and a trailing Z offset."
Retrieve audit logs created before the date and time provided. This is the end date of the duration for which you want to retrieve audit logs. For example, if you want to retrieve audit logs between `2023-03-30T17:26:50.000Z` and `2023-04-30T17:26:50.000Z`, provide `2023-04-30T17:26:50.000Z` as the value for the `createdBefore` parameter.<br>Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, including milliseconds and a trailing Z offset.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberOptional
sorting?: "ASC" | "DESC"Retrieves default team settings of an existing organization.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get default team settings
The id of an Organization.
Retrieves organization information.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get organization info
id of the organization
Retrieves organization member information for an existing organization.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get organization member
id of the organization
id of the organization member
Retrieves organization members based on the organization ID and the cursor, or based on the user emails provided in the request.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get organization members
id of the organization
query: { Optional
active?: booleanOptional
cursor?: stringOptional
emails?: stringOptional
license?: "unknown" | "full" | "occasional" | "free" | "free_restricted" | "full_trial"Optional
limit?: numberOptional
role?: "unknown" | "organization_internal_admin" | "organization_internal_user" | "organization_external_user" | "organization_team_guest_user"Retrieves project information, such as a name for an existing project.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get project
The ID of the organization from which you want to retrieve the project information.
The ID of the team from which you want to retrieve the project information.
The ID of the project for which you want to retrieve the information.
Retrieves information for a specific project member.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get project member
The ID of the organization to which the project belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project belongs.
The ID of the project from which you want to retrieve specific member information.
The ID of the member for which you want to retrieve information.
Retrieves the list of members for a specific project.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
List of project members
The ID of the organization to which the project belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project belongs.
The ID of the project for which you want to retrieve the list of members.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberRetrieves the project settings.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get project settings
The ID of the organization to which the project belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project belongs.
The ID of the project for which you want to retrieve the project settings.
Retrieves the list of projects in an existing team of an organization. You can retrieve all projects, including all private projects (projects that haven't been specifically shared with you) by enabling Content Admin permissions. To enable Content Admin permissions, see Content Admin permissions for Company Admins.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
List of projects
The ID of the organization from which you want to retrieve the list of available projects.
The ID of the team from which you want to retrieve the list of available projects.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberRetrieves team information for an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get team
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
Retrieves team member by id.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get team member
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
The id of the Team Member
Retrieves team members by cursor.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
List team members
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberOptional
role?: stringRetrieves team settings of an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Get team settings
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
Retrieves list of teams in an existing organization.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
List teams
The id of the Organization.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberOptional
name?: stringInvites a new Miro user to an existing team. The user must exist in your Miro organization. Users who do not exist in your Miro organization can be invited to the team via SCIM and an external identity provider, such as Okta or Azure Active Directory.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Invite team members
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
Reset all sessions of a user. Admins can now take immediate action to restrict user access to company data in case of security concerns. Calling this API ends all active Miro sessions across devices for a particular user, requiring the user to sign in again. This is useful in situations where a user leaves the company, their credentials are compromised, or there's suspicious activity on their account.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Reset all sessions of a user
Email ID of the user whose sessions you want to reset. Note that this user will be signed out from all devices.
Update information about a project, such as the project name.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update project
The ID of an Organization.
The ID of a Team.
The ID of a Project.
Updates details of a project member, such as the member's role.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update project member
The ID of the organization to which the project member belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project member belongs.
The ID of a Project.
The ID of the member whose details you want to update.
Updates the settings of a project.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update project settings
The ID of the organization to which the project belongs.
The ID of the team to which the project belongs.
The ID of the project whose settings you want to update.
Updates an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update team
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
Updates team member role in team by id.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update team member
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
The id of the Team Member
Updates team settings of an existing team.
This API is available only for <a target=_blank href="/reference/api-reference#enterprise-plan">Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using <a target=_blank href="https://q2oeb0jrhgi.typeform.com/to/BVPTNWJ9\">this form.
Update team settings
The id of the Organization.
The id of the Team.
Retrieves the list of eDiscovery cases in an organization.
This API is available only for Enterprise plan users with the <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15699815402514-Enterprise-Guard-overview\">Enterprise Guard add-on. You can only use this endpoint if you have both the Company Admin and <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15695755655954-Understand-admin-roles-and-their-privileges-Beta#01JARF6KM8ATNT6YDMGD7GMYJN\">eDiscovery Admin roles.
Get all cases
The maximum number of items in the result list.
The ID of the organization for which you want to retrieve the list of cases.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringReturns all the groups and the items of the respective groups within a specific board.
This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request.
For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 items that are a part of a group, the first call will return information about the first 10 items in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get all groups on a board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberRetrieves the list of all legal holds within a case for an organization.
This API is available only for Enterprise plan users with the <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15699815402514-Enterprise-Guard-overview\">Enterprise Guard add-on. You can only use this endpoint if you have both the Company Admin and <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15695755655954-Understand-admin-roles-and-their-privileges-Beta#01JARF6KM8ATNT6YDMGD7GMYJN\">eDiscovery Admin roles.
Get all legal holds within a case
The maximum number of items in the result list.
The ID of the organization for which you want to retrieve the list of legal holds within a case.
The ID of the case for which you want to retrieve the list of legal holds.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringRetrieves information for a specific app card item on a board.
Get app card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves a pageable list of members for a board.
Get all board members
Unique identifier (ID) of the board to which the board member belongs.
query: { Optional
limit?: stringOptional
offset?: stringRetrieves a list of boards accessible to the user associated with the provided access token. This endpoint supports filtering and sorting through URL query parameters. Customize the response by specifying team_id
, project_id
, or other query parameters. Filtering by team_id
or project_id
(or both) returns results instantly. For other filters, allow a few seconds for indexing of newly created boards. If you're an Enterprise customer with Company Admin permissions: - Enable Content Admin permissions to retrieve all boards, including private boards (those not explicitly shared with you). For details, see the Content Admin Permissions for Company Admins. - Note that Private board contents remain inaccessible. The API allows you to verify their existence but prevents viewing their contents to uphold security best practices. Unauthorized access attempts will return an error.
Get boards
query: { Optional
limit?: stringOptional
offset?: stringOptional
owner?: stringOptional
query?: stringOptional
sort?: "default" | "last_modified" | "last_opened" | "last_created" | "alphabetically"Optional
teamRetrieves information for a specific card item on a board
Get card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information about a case in an organization.
This API is available only for Enterprise plan users with the <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15699815402514-Enterprise-Guard-overview\">Enterprise Guard add-on. You can only use this endpoint if you have both the Company Admin and <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15695755655954-Understand-admin-roles-and-their-privileges-Beta#01JARF6KM8ATNT6YDMGD7GMYJN\">eDiscovery Admin roles.
Get case
The ID of the organization for which you want to retrieve the case information.
The ID of the case you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific connector on a board.
Get specific connector
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific connector.
Unique identifier (ID) of the connector that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves a list of connectors for a specific board. This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request. For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 objects, the first call will return information about the first 10 objects in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get connectors
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a list of connectors.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: stringRetrieves information for a specific document item on a board
Get document item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific embed item on a board.
Get embed item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific frame on a board.
Get frame
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that contains the frame that you want to retrieve
Unique identifier (ID) of the frame that you want to retrieve.
Returns a list of items in a specific group.
Get a group by its ID
Unique identifier (ID) of the board.
Unique identifier (ID) of the group.
Retrieves information for a specific image item on a board.
Get image item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves a list of items for a specific board. You can retrieve all items on the board, a list of child items inside a parent item, or a list of specific types of items by specifying URL query parameter values. This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request. For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 objects, the first call will return information about the first 10 objects in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get items on board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board for which you want to retrieve the list of available items.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: stringOptional
type?: "embed" | "frame" | "image" | "text" | "document" | "shape" | "app_card" | "sticky_note" | "card" | "preview"Returns a list of items that are a part of any group, within a specific board.
This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request.
For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 items that are a part of a group, the first call will return information about the first 10 items (not 10 groups) in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get items of a group by ID
Unique identifier (ID) of the board.
The ID of the group item to retrieve.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: numberRetrieves all the items that have the specified tag.
Get items by tag
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to retrieve a specific tag.
Unique identifier (ID) of the tag that you want to retrieve.
query: { Optional
limit?: stringOptional
offset?: stringRetrieves a list of items for a specific board. You can retrieve all items on the board, a list of child items inside a parent item, or a list of specific types of items by specifying URL query parameter values. This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request. For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 objects, the first call will return information about the first 10 objects in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get items on board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board for which you want to retrieve the list of available items.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: stringOptional
type?: "shape"Retrieves a list of items within a specific frame. A frame is a parent item and all items within a frame are child items. This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request. For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 objects, the first call will return information about the first 10 objects in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get items within frame
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that contains the frame for which you want to retrieve the list of available items.
ID of the frame for which you want to retrieve the list of available items.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: stringOptional
type?: stringRetrieves information about a legal hold within a case for an organization.
This API is available only for Enterprise plan users with the <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15699815402514-Enterprise-Guard-overview\">Enterprise Guard add-on. You can only use this endpoint if you have both the Company Admin and <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15695755655954-Understand-admin-roles-and-their-privileges-Beta#01JARF6KM8ATNT6YDMGD7GMYJN\">eDiscovery Admin roles.
Get legal hold information
The ID of the organization for which you want to retrieve the legal hold information.
The ID of the case for which you want to retrieve the legal hold information.
The ID of the legal hold you want to retrieve.
Once a legal hold is in place you can review or explore the preserved Miro boards to ensure that all relevant data is intact and ready for legal proceedings or investigations. For more information, see our <a href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/22120628583570-Review-boards-under-legal-hold\" target=_blank>Help Center page on reviewing boards under legal hold.
This API lists all content items under a specific legal hold in a case for an organization. Please verify that the legal hold is in 'ACTIVE' state to guarantee that the legal hold has finished processing the full list of content items under hold.
This API is available only for Enterprise plan users with the <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15699815402514-Enterprise-Guard-overview\">Enterprise Guard add-on. You can only use this endpoint if you have both the Company Admin and <a target=_blank href="https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/15695755655954-Understand-admin-roles-and-their-privileges-Beta#01JARF6KM8ATNT6YDMGD7GMYJN\">eDiscovery Admin roles.
Get content items under legal hold
The ID of the organization for which you want to retrieve the list of content items under hold.
The ID of the case for which you want to retrieve the list of content items under hold.
The ID of the legal hold for which you want to retrieve the list of content items under hold.
The maximum number of items in the result list.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringReturns a list of usage metrics for a specific app for a given time range, grouped by requested time period. This endpoint requires an app management API token. It can be generated in the <a href="https://developers.miro.com/?features=appMetricsToken#your-apps\">Your Apps section of Developer Hub.
Get app metrics
ID of the app to get metrics for.
Start date of the period in UTC format. For example, 2024-12-31.
End date of the period in UTC format. For example, 2024-12-31.
query: { Optional
period?: "DAY" | "WEEK" | "MONTH"Returns total usage metrics for a specific app since the app was created. This endpoint requires an app management API token. It can be generated in <a href="https://developers.miro.com/?features=appMetricsToken#your-apps\">your apps section of Developer Hub.
Get total app metrics
ID of the app to get total metrics for.
Retrieves information for a specific mind map node on a board.
Get specific mind map node
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a mind map node.
Unique identifier (ID) of the mind map node that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves a list of mind map nodes for a specific board. This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor
parameter equal to the cursor
value you received in the response of the previous request. For example, if you set the limit
query parameter to 10
and the board contains 20 objects, the first call will return information about the first 10 objects in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo
. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo
Get mind map nodes
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve mind map nodes.
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: stringRetrieves information for a specific shape item on a board.
Get shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific shape item on a board.
Get shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information about a board.
Get specific board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a board member.
Get specific board member
Unique identifier (ID) of the board to which the board member belongs.
Unique identifier (ID) of the board member whose role you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific item on a board.
Get specific item on board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific item on a board.
Get specific item on board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific sticky note item on a board.
Get sticky note item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific webhook subscription.
Get specific webhook subscription
Unique identifier (ID) of the subscription that you want to retrieve
Retrieves information for a specific tag.
Get tag
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to retrieve a specific tag.
Unique identifier (ID) of the tag that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves all the tags from the specified board.
Get tags from board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board whose tags you want to retrieve.
query: { Optional
limit?: stringOptional
offset?: stringRetrieves all the tags from the specified item.
Get tags from item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board with the item whose tags you want to retrieve.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item whose tags you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information for a specific text item on a board.
Get text item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a specific item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to retrieve.
Retrieves information about all webhook subscriptions for a specific user.
Get webhook subscriptions
query: { Optional
cursor?: stringOptional
limit?: stringRemoves a board member from a board.
Remove board member
Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to delete an item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the board member whose role you want to delete.
Removes the specified tag from the specified item. The tag still exists on the board.
Note: Updates to tags made via the REST API will not be reflected on the board in realtime. To see REST API updates to tags on a board, you need to refresh the board. This applies to the following endpoints: Attach tag to item, Update tag, Delete tag.
Remove tag from item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board with the item that you want to remove a tag from.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to remove the tag from.
Unique identifier (ID) of the tag that you want to remove from the item.
Please use the new revoke endpoint /v2/oauth/revoke
. This endpoint is considered vulnerable and deprecated due to access token passed publicly in the URL.
Revoke token (v1)
Access token that you want to revoke
Revoke the current access token. Revoking an access token means that the access token will no longer work. When an access token is revoked, the refresh token is also revoked and no longer valid. This does not uninstall the application for the user.
Revoke token (v2)
Shares the board and Invites new members to collaborate on a board by sending an invitation email. Depending on the board's Sharing policy, there might be various scenarios where membership in the team is required in order to share the board with a user.
Share board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board to which the board member belongs.
Get information about an access token, such as the token type, scopes, team, user, token creation date and time, and the user who created the token.
Get access token information
Ungroups items from a group.
Ungroup items
Unique identifier (ID) of the board.
Unique identifier (ID) of the group.
query: { Optional
deleteUpdates an app card item on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update app card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a specific board.
Update board
Unique identifier (ID) of the board that you want to update.
Updates the role of a board member.
Update board member
Unique identifier (ID) of the board for which you want to update the role of the board member.
Unique identifier (ID) of the board member whose role you want to update.
Updates the status or the callback URL of an existing webhook subscription.
Update webhook subscription
Updates a card item on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update card item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a connector on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update connector
Unique identifier (ID) of the board for which you want to update the connector.
Unique identifier (ID) of the connector that you want to update.
Updates a document item on a board by using file from a device.
Update document item using file from device
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Select a file to upload. Maximum file size is 6 MB.
data: UploadFileFromDeviceDataUpdates a document item on a board
Update document item using URL
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates an embed item on a board based on the data properties provided in the request body.
Update embed item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a frame on a board based on the data, style, or geometry properties provided in the request body.
Update frame
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the frame.
Unique identifier (ID) of the frame that you want to update.
This endpoint updates an existing group by replacing it entirely with a new group. When the update is made, the original group is completely replaced, and a new group ID is assigned.
Updates a group with new items
Unique identifier (ID) of the board.
Unique identifier (ID) of the group.
Updates an image item on a board.
Update image item using file from device
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Select a file to upload. Maximum file size is 6 MB.
data: UploadFileFromDeviceDataUpdates an image item on a board.
Update image item using URL
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates the position or the parent of an item on a board.
Update item position or parent
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a shape item on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a flowchart shape item on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update shape item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a sticky note item on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update sticky note item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Updates a tag based on the data properties provided in the request body.
Note: Updates to tags made via the REST API will not be reflected on the board in realtime. To see REST API updates to tags on a board, you need to refresh the board. This applies to the following endpoints: Attach tag to item, Remove tag from item, Delete tag.
Update tag
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update a specific tag.
Unique identifier (ID) of the tag that you want to update.
Updates a text item on a board based on the data and style properties provided in the request body.
Update text item
Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to update the item.
Unique identifier (ID) of the item that you want to update.
Attach an existing tag to the specified item. Card and sticky note items can have up to 8 tags.
Required scope
boards:writeRate limiting
<a target=_blank href="/docs/miro-rest-api-introduction#rate-limiting">Level 1Summary
Attach tag to item